12 Life Hacks for Your Beachside BBQ

Beaches and BBQs go together like peanut butter and jam, Sonny and Cher, Batman and Robin…

You get the idea – we really enjoy beachside BBQs! But like any great duo, BBQs and beaches can have their downsides (thankfully it doesn’t involve a terrible divorce or an evil villain).

We have 12 hacks to make your next BBQ at the beach a little more comfortable and a little more convenient.


Don't take the beach home with you


Don’t wear the beach home

There’s nothing quite like a day at the beach: the sun on your face, the sand on your feet. But how often do you return from a day at the beach to discover you’ve brought a fair amount of the sand home with you?

To minimize the sandy mess sprinkle yourself (and your kids) with some baby powder before you enter the house. This will soak up any extra moisture and make dusting off the extra sand a breeze!

Take a paintbrush to the beach

Tell me if you’ve experienced this before: you get to the beach, find the perfect chair, but as you’re about to sit down you discover it’s covered in sand.

Keep a clean paintbrush in your car for these moments. It’s perfect for removing sand from beach chairs, towels, toys, and people.


Photo above the beach


Keep the beach out of your stuff

Sand is what makes the beach. But it can also be one of the frustrations of the beach. Before it finds its way into your carpet, the sand gets into your food and onto your towel. This can be especially problematic if you have small children.

One simple way to keep the sand away is to use a fitted bed sheet on the beach. Turn it upside down and use something large enough (like a cooler) to hold the four corners up and in place. This will create a small wall to keep the sand away from your things.

Make fewer trips to the car

You might run out of fingers trying to track the number of trips from the car to the picnic site. But a “six pack caddy” can spare you from a few. For your next beachside BBQ save a cardboard six-pack holder. Put napkins, utensils, salt and pepper shakers, and sauce bottles in each of the compartments.


Make fewer trips to the car


Chill your white wine without watering it down

White wine is a crowd pleaser at many summer BBQs. But no one wants warm white wine. And the only thing worse than warm white wine is watered down white wine.

Freeze grapes to keep your white wine perfectly chilled this summer. This will keep it chilled and prevent it from being watered down.

Unstick your marshmallows

There’s no better way to end a BBQ than time around a campfire. And the only thing that makes a campfire better is s’mores. But a bag of marshmallows all stuck together can easily ruin your s’more making experience.

A simple way to save your bag of sticky marshmallows it to add 1 teaspoon of cornstarch and shake. The cornstarch will absorb the extra moisture and separate most of the marshmallows. If you don’t use the remaining marshmallows place them in a container and freeze them to avoid sticking in the future.


Grilling at the beach


Carry your condiments easier

Here’s a way to simplify your life if you’re bringing a cooler to a BBQ and don’t want to deal with countless containers of condiments. Place adequate amounts of each condiment in a muffin tin. You’ll have everything in one place and you won’t have to deal with all the bottles.

Prevent the sticky mess

Popsicles and ice cream cones are a couple of kids’ favorite summer treats. Unfortunately, they can be a parent’s worst nightmare.

Wrap the bottom of the popsicle or ice cream cone with a piece of aluminum foil to prevent the sticky mess. This is also a perfect solution for a wedge of watermelon.


Protect your phone at the beach


Keep the sand out of your phone

Sand and technology don’t mix. But in today’s world, leaving your phone at home isn’t an option. To keep it safe and free from sand place your phone inside a sandwich bag.

Use this kindling alternative

This isn’t a trick you’ll learn in Cub Scouts. Depending on where your BBQ or picnic takes place, you may not have access to kindling. But there’s a perfect kindling alternative present at nearly every BBQ: chips. The only question is whether you’ve eaten them already.


Friends around campfire at the beach


Protect your valuables

It can be worrisome to leave your valuables on your beach towel while you head to the water. One simple way to protect your valuables is to place them inside a cleaned out sunscreen bottle.

Chill your drinks faster

This hack is technically something you have to do before you get to the BBQ. But we all know what it’s like to be in a rush, trying to make it to the party on time. The last thing you want to do is arrive with warm drinks.

Next time you’re short on time wrap your drinks in a wet paper towel, put them in the freezer, and they will chill in 15 minutes.


This summer you can avoid bringing the sand home from the beach. These 12 life hacks for your beachside BBQ will make life a little easier and allow you to enjoy your time with family and friends.


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